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Home Editorial Madagate Affiche Journée Mondiale de l’Energie: Déclaration signée par Andry Rajoelina

Journée Mondiale de l’Energie: Déclaration signée par Andry Rajoelina

Dubaï, 22 octobre 2012. Lors d'une cérémonie solennelle, les 25 pays présents au Forum ont signé "une déclaration internationale pour la Journée mondiale de l'Energie". Celle-ci a été fixée au 22 octobre de chaque année. C’était durant l'ouverture officielle du Forum mondial de l'énergie, réuni pour la première fois en dehors du siège de l'ONU à New York. Parmi les signataires, le Président de la Transition, Andry Rajoelina, représentant le peuple malgache (voir signature sur la photo ci-dessus).

En résumé, il a été révélé que quelque 1,5 milliard sur les 7 milliards d'habitants de la planète sont privés d'électricité. Cela pose, dès lors, un défi à relever par la coopération et la coordination entre pays avancés et en développement. Ainsi, l'accès à l'énergie devrait être un droit fondamental pour chaque personne et une priorité pour les plus hautes autorités dans tous les pays.


July 22, 2012
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Energy is essential to all life; without energy, there would be no life, and energy is life blood of all human societies. Like air and water, every human and every human society on this planet earth must have sufficient energy to live and flourish. In addition, the ways in which we generate and use energy are fundamental factors affecting the health of the earth’s natural environment upon which the destiny of human race depends.

Therefore, we are called upon to create a world where every human comes to this planet earth will have a plentiful of energy that is harmonious with nature. Working towards this end, World Energy Forum hereby proclaims October 22 of every year to be commemorated annually as the World Energy Day. The World Energy Day shall serve to stimulate worldwide awareness of energy issues and the political will and passion to support universal energy access that can benefit all nations and peoples.

The first historic World Energy Day will be celebrated on October 22, 2012 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, when the Heads of States of the United Nations Member States will come together at the Opening Day of World Energy Forum 2012, to be held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai and hosted by the Supreme Council of Energy of the Government of Dubai, in order to discuss humanity’s sustainable future, with a message, “safe, accessible, and sustainable energy for all,” and that message shall truly be embodied in the marking of the first World Energy Day in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

On October 22, 2012, the Heads of States gathered at World Energy Forum 2012 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates will ratify the World Energy Day to be observed annually by all nations and peoples of the world at community, national, and international levels by holding educational, scientific, and artistic programs everywhere, including media and at the campuses of schools, colleges, and universities throughout the world, stimulating energy discussions, inspiring imaginations to innovate, and discover new ways.

World Energy Forum will globally coordinate the World Energy Day observations. World Energy Forum’s Annual Conference will be held during the week and World Energy Awards will be bestowed upon individuals or organizations whose contributions are publicly recognized.



Mis à jour ( Samedi, 27 Octobre 2012 03:06 )  

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