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Home Editorial Madagate Affiche Madagascar Civil Society: Mrs Lalao Flaurence Randriamampionona is dead

Madagascar Civil Society: Mrs Lalao Flaurence Randriamampionona is dead

Lalao F. Randriamampionona in her Youth



Roland Randriamampionona, son Ă©poux,

Tsiresy et Tiana Randriamampiona, ses enfants,

CĂ©dric Maheritsiresy, Norohanta Hasitiana Audrey, Ervin Madatsiresy, ses petits-enfants,

Sa famille

La famille de feue Henriette Ravololomanana et Andriamanantenasoa,

FĂ©licie Rasoloarisoa et la famille,

La famille de feu Désiré Davidson et feue Jacqueline Razafimalala,

Bien-Aimé Davidson et Marie Lydia Ranoroharisoa et la famille.


Sa belle-famille

Olivier Ramahaliarison et Marcelle Raveloarimanga et sa famille,

La famille de feue Elisa Jeanne Razoeliharisoa,

Isabelle Razananorosoa et Rakotomanana et sa famille,

Lucie Raharivololona et Jacques Robson et sa famille,

Yvonne Raharisoa et Samuel Randriamampianina et sa famille,

Mariette Rasoanjanahary et Lucien Rajaonarisoa et sa famille,

Pr Violette Rasoavelonoro et Dr Jean Andriantsoa et sa famille,

Elise Rasoamampianina et sa famille,

Nirina Rajoeliharison et Rabodomalala Annie et sa famille,

Solofo Randriamampianina et Rakotondrabe Sylvie et sa famille.


Ses parents

La famille de feu David Jouffroy et feue Marie Madeleine Razanamasy,

La famille de feu Victor Rakotozafy et de feue Elizabeth Rasoavelondray,

Les descendants d’Andriamasitena,

Les descendants d’Andriamahazonoro,

Claudel Rakotondravelo et Clarisse et la famille,

Aina Ratsimihah et la famille.


Le fokontany Ambodiafontsy Ampitatafika, Fkt Soamanandrariny Ambohimangakely, Fkt Bersizaraina Ambohimangakely, Fkt Ambohitrakely Ambohidrano Atsinanana,

Le Pasteur et l’église Fjkm Tranovato Faravohitra , Fjkm Betsizaraina Finoana, Fjkm Ambodiafontsy Maritiora, Fjkm Ambohidrano Atsinanana, Flm Ambohitririana.

Ont la profonde tristesse de vous faire part du décès de :

RANDRIAMAMPIONONA Lalao Flaurence Clémentine


Ecrivain, poète « Lyra »

Officier de l’Ordre National du Mérite français

Nominée pour le Prix Nobel 2005

Ancienne élève de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay aux Roses, Paris

Docteur en Philosophie


Ancien Chercheur de l’Université de Paris I – Sorbonne

Ancien Chercheur Ecole Normale supérieure Ampefiloha

Ancien Conseiller Spécial du Premier ministre

Ancienne Présidente du Comité de Pilotage du Fonds Social de Développement de la Mission Française de Coopération d’Action Culturelle

Ancien Administrateur du FID

Ancien Membre du Conseil National de Lutte contre la Corruption – CNLC

Ancien Administrateur de l’Office National pour l’Environnement – ONE

Ancien Directeur des Assurances ARO

Ancien Administrateur de la société FIARO

Membre titulaire de l’Académie Nationale des Arts, des Lettres et des Sciences

Présidente-Fondatrice et Membre du Conseil d’Administration de DRV – Dinika sy Rindra ho an’ny Vehivavy

Présidente du Conseil d’Administration de l’ONG Taratra

Présidente du Conseil d’Administration de la Plateforme des Organisations de la Société Civile Malagasy

Présidente de la Coordination nationale des Organisations de la Société Civile

Membre fondateur de l’unité de Médiation régional du Conseil des ONG de la SADC

Membre du Comité de Validation du Programme UNDAF (Nations-Unies/ PNUD)

Présidente du Comité de Pilotage du Programme SAHA (Intercoopération Suisse)

Membre du Conseil d’Orientation et de Validation du Projet ZICMU

Administrateur du Groupe Industriel SECO-BKG

Survenu le Samedi 20 avril 2013, à Antananarivo, dans sa 74è année.

La levée du corps aura lieu à Ambodiafontsy Ampitatafika, lot CF 211, le Mercredi 24 avril 2013 à 10 heures et rejoindra le tombeau familial à Ambohitrakely Ambohidrano Atsinanana où aura lieu une cérémonie de témoignages et d’hommages à laquelle prendront part tous ceux qui ont vécu et lutté avec elle pendant des années, avant l’inhumation qui aura lieu à 16 heures 30, précédée d’un culte religieux.

Des cortèges partiront également de Soamanandrariny et du marais Masay (Direction Nord) à 10 heures.

Notre code vestimentaire : noir (tristesse), blanc (intégrité), rouge (poursuite sans relâche des efforts pour libérer l’ensemble du peuple malgache.

« L’avenir se forge

Avec le sang couleur d’or

Du passé vécu

Et du présent »

Feuilles qui tombent, Lyra, Mazava Atsinanana


Pas de veillée ; Amenez des fleurs.




That’s life. The death took her on Saturday, 20 april 2013, further to a faintness. She was 74 years old. Who is Lalao Flaurence Randriamampionona?

Lalao Flaurence Randriamampionona is one of the 1000 women proposed for the Noble Peace Price 2005.

She says: “The people possess the cultural wealth and know-how and have unexploited potential and they must be supported so that they can take control of the country’s development”.

She says also: “The peoples possess the cultural wealth, know-how and unexploited potential that must be supported so that they can take into their own hands the development of their territory”.

She works for:

* The Coalition of Women Associations DRV (Dinika sy Rindra ho an'ny Vehivavy in Malagasy; Comité d'associations de femmes in French).

* The NGO Fiantso (Fikambanana Andrin’ny Tambazotra sy ny Olom-pirenena) means Support to Citizen Networking.

For the last twenty years, Lalao Flaurence Randriamampionona, an anthropologist and sociologist, has been actively involved in diverse development activities involving women, children and the most impoverished in Madagascar. She lives in Antananarivo, Madagascar. The last born of five children, she was born to two teachers. She is married to an engineer, has one child and three grandchildren.

Lalao delegates some of her duties to her team members in the organizations she leads or is a member of. She advocates teamwork and participatory approaches from members of her team and the local population, who are the prime beneficiaries of the development projects she has initiated. She considers them a source of untapped knowledge.

Her academic credentials are impressive: a Doctorate in Philosophy, with specialization in History; a Diploma in sociology, cultural ethnology and a BA, ès Lettres. She is a member of the National Academy of Arts, Lettres and Sciences. For the last ten years, she has been involved in activities in four major areas: the empowerment of women in all aspects, cultural heritage, access to resources and governance.

Her target groups are women, children and the most impoverished members of society. The NGOs she works with, TARATRA and FIANTSO-ARC, look into the development and implementation of fair economic systems, access to resources and protection of the environment and ecology...

Since 1994, she has been the Chair of DRV, a Committee for Coordination and Coalition of Associations and Women NGOs in Madagascar. DRV deals with the protection of vulnerable people, particularly women. It has branches in six provinces. The NGOs under DRV reflect the aspirations of the majority of the people of Madagascar. DRV is a network of more than 650 associations, which aim at realizing three strategic objectives: gender equality in access to resources, decision-making, and the empowerment of Civil Society.

In 1996 Lalao headed a team of national independent consultants charged with writing the first national strategic plan on poverty eradication. The government adopted the plan in its national development policy.

Mrs. Randriamampionona subsequently acted as a technical adviser for successive ministers. In 2001, she represented Madagascar at the African Forum on Poverty Reduction Strategies organized by the World Bank, the IMF, and UNDP and was elected the representative speaker of several delegations and private sector representatives from 34 African countries.

From 1995 to 1999, she was among a few specialists who provided training on gender to executives and members of different organizations in Madagascar. She facilitated various workshops, working partnership with different fund-raising organizations. Her activities also include promoting good governance, transparency, dialogue and understanding between the different development partners and reinforcing the civil society at sub-regional, national and global level.

She similarly defends and promotes traditional Malagasy culture and the musical heritage of the different ethnic groups. Not only does she advocate teamwork and participatory approaches from members of her team; she also encourages the local people, who are prime beneficiaries of the development projects and a source of untapped knowledge. A dedicated team works with her to carry out all the activities.

Lalao considers the people involved in the different areas she works in as the principal development actors. She is very close to the local population in the different regions where she spends most of her time. She speaks their dialects, has knowledge about their living conditions, problems and aspirations. As a professional anthropologist, she understands the physical, anthropological, historical and socio-economic characteristics of most regions in Madagascar.

All the organizations Lalao has led -namely, DRV, TARATRA and FIANTSO- have become reference points at national and international forums.

She works under harsh conditions. She hardly sleeps or rests and leads an extraordinary family life. Despite all absences, her family gives her all the support she needs.

In 2002, she was member of the Malagasy Delegation, as representative of the Civil society, in the Rio+10 Summit for Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Since 2009, she was one of the founder of the CNOSC (National Council of Civil Society Organisation; Conseil National des organizations de la Société Civile Malgache in French).

And since april 2013, she was member of the FFM (Filankevitry ny Fampihavanana Malagasy; National Malagasy Reconciliation Council; Conseil pour la RĂ©conciliation Malagasy in French).

Madagate.com’s team express One’s Condolences to Lalao Flaurence

Randriamampionona family.

Antananarivo, 21 April 2013

Jeannot Ramambazafy, also member of the Malagasy Delegation in 2002 Johannesburg Summit of Sustainable Development as Madagascar Tribune journalist.

Mis Ă  jour ( Jeudi, 25 Avril 2013 04:09 )  

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